Rural Relevance toolkit – how to identify, care for and share rural collections

Judging chickens, Young Farms rally, Anglesey c.1955. Anglesey Archives, Creative Archives Licence.

The Rural Relevance toolkit for museums was created because of a skills and knowledge gap identified by the Welsh Government’s Culture Division within museums in Wales.

Rural and agricultural collections are often found in a rural location, but not always. And some rural museums may not have agricultural items but have collections from communities that are distinctly rural.

This toolkit is intended for non-specialists and is designed to build confidence in managing, and enthusiasm for using, rural collections in museums. It contains inspiration and advice and is a jumping off point for further exploration and activity based on your own collections.

The toolkit is shared here in both English and Welsh language versions. This toolkit was developed and prepared for the Rural Museums Network by Anna Bryant, Museums and Heritage Consultant.

Rural Relevance
How to identify, care for & share rural collections

Perthnasedd Gwledig
Sut i adnabod casgliadau gwledig, gofalu amdanynt a’u rhannu

Rural Relevance toolkit logos: Museum Development United Kingdom; Supported by Welsh Government; Art Fund